
Build a shower enclosure

Discover Vismaravetro: a story told in 7 clips to explain how one of our shower enclosures is made and how we design and create our products.

Episode 5/7
The worst enemy of glass: limestone

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Can I print on all shower cabins?

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In what does it differ if compared to standard silkscreen printing?

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Inspiration Gallery

Suite è sinonimo di lusso, che si esprime al meglio anche grazie alla vasta gamma di finiture disponibili per profili e vetri, come quelle scelte nel progetto per villa privata a Palm Jumeirah, Dubai.
In foto: profili rame satinato e cristallo reeded

Suite is synonymous with luxury, which is best expressed also thanks to the vast range of finishes available for profiles and glass, such as those chosen in the private villa project in Palm Jumeirah, Dubai.
In phot: Satin Copper profiles and Reeded glass

Project by @wm.wma
