
Which are the elements to be taken into consideration when choosing a shower enclosure?

A shower enclosure is today understood as a basic item in bathroom furnishings. Apart from aesthetic considerations, which may be subjective, choosing your shower enclosure we recommend to carefully examine the technical and practical aspects that can ensure a better use of the product. There are many solutions for the opening: with inner door, outer door, sliding or folding door, etc. Therefore, it is advisable to take into account possible impediments on the outside (sanitary fittings, radiators, towel warmers, entrance doors…), or inside (projecting taps, special shower heads, shelves…), which might obstruct proper opening. On many models the opening side is not reversible and has to be stated at the order; in any case, it is always advisable to choose an opening that allows easy access and makes it easy to reach out for the bathrobe avoiding unpleasant thermal shocks at the end of the shower. In bathrooms of a particularly narrow size or with little room to move about, an option might be that of choosing quadrant or pentagonal shower enclosures, which ensure comfort, but at the same time require little space thanks to their shape.

Project and Use


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