When you choose to furnish the bathroom with a glass shower enclosure, the take the decision to delegate the leading role of the room to the glass.For this reason, its transparency must not only maintain, but preserved from too aggressive...
The high-level contract is a challenging and exciting area that allows companies like Vismaravetro to give their best and to express themselves completely, obtaining two great results: a continuous improvement of their performance and the total...
More than a color, a declaration of intent. This shower enclosure profile born from Vismaravetro research and development and exhibited at the last Salone del Mobile, seems to be aware that it is special and that it cannot do anything to hide...
When you think of the work of the Research and Development departments, you are more inclined to imagine cold hi-tech rooms where top-secret materials undergo stress tests to certify their quality and resistance. Less, probably, you think that in...
The evolution of the shower enclosure has reached a new era.The shower enclosure has subsequently become a valuable element to admire and show off.Nowadays, the trend is the same but with an absolute new imperative: to customize. The shower enclosure...
The Sixtieth Edition of the Salone del Mobile left a certainty in many visitors who came to visit us at the Fair: among the shower enclosure collections present, the guest of honor was undoubtedly the Suite System.A very precise, positioning and...
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